How You Can Help

There are several ways you can help the TPI children still alive, these children currently have no hope of a future unless a treatment or cure can be found within the next 2 to 3 years. For these children their lives depend on the success of the TPI Research Project, which this charity is funding.

Since James was diagnosed in 1994 several other TPI children have been located in America, Australia, France, Spain, Hungary and the UK. Our son James passed away on November 12th 1999.

We need to contact any other TPI families around the world, if you know of any TPI families past or present, please let us know.

All the funds raised to date, have been from either donations or fund-raising events, if you would like to help by organising some form of event, then please E-Mail us @
click here ========> Send E-Mail to Dave Stewardson (Father of James)

Or write to us at:

The James Stewardson TPI Trust, 19 Duncombe Close, Bramhall, Stockport, Cheshire,SK7 3DD, England, Tel: 0044-161-439-3146.

Alternatively you can make a donation by cheque directly into the Charity bank account at any Barclays Branch (Countries where Barclays Banks exist only), quoting SORT CODE 20-70-46 - Account Number 20585599. Please make cheques payable to 'The James Stewardson TPI Trust'. The Barclays branch is Radbroke Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire.

If you would like to make a donation but do not have a Barclays bank in your country, then please send a personal cheque or bankers draft to the above address for the James Stewardson TPI Trust.

This charity is run entirely by James Stewardson's family on a volountary basis, with the help of the other TPI families, and it's sole aim is to find a treatment or cure for TPI deficincy.

If you have any information regarding TPI, we would be very grateful to hear from you. If necessary you can also contact Dr Roopen Arya at: Send E-Mail to Dr Roopen Arya at Kings College Hospital, London