Celebrities Involved in Fund-Raising
There have been numerous celebrities involved since fund-raising began in July 1994, these include:-Mike Pickering of M People - Mike is an old friend of James's Dad Dave. When M People won the 1994 Mecury award for the best album, winning £25,000, they decided to give the money to charity. When Mike heard about James, he donated his share of £3,000 to the charity.
Niall Quinn of Manchester City Football Club - Niall met James in October 1994 and was immediately struck by him. Since then Niall has been involved with the charity and been instrumental in raising about £10,000.
Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York 'Fergie' - The Duchess is a mutual friend, of a friend of the other UK TPI family, the Stokes's in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. When she was told about Jordan Stokes, she immediately offered to help through her Charity 'Children In Crisis'. Jordan and his family were invited to the Duchesses home during Christmas 1994, along with other sick children and their families. The occasion was captured by 'Hello' magazine and Jordan is pictured on the Duchesses knee! The Duchess made a personal donation of £5,000 to the 'James Stewardson TPI Trust'.
Manchester United sent a strong reserve team to play James's Dad, Dave's old football club Stalybridge Celtic on a cold March evening in 1996. The event attracted about 1,000 spectators and raised over £4,000 in ticket and programme sales.
Bruce Jones Actor (BBC 'Roughnecks Fame') - Bruce recently organised a Cabaret Evening in Stockport, Cheshire which raised £1,000.
Susie Mathis, Piccadilly Gold Radio DJ - James story has featured many times on this local Manchester commercial Radio Station, Susie has been very supportive in helping to promote the many fund-raising events.
Eamon Oneal and Jimmy Wagg, WOW Radio Show on GMR Radio - Eamon and Jimmy have also featured James's story many times on GMR Radio, and on Sunday February 18th 1996 at the Willows Club in Salford, they arranged a Cabaret Evening which raised £1,664.